The Local Business Beat: Health for Life Grand Rapids
Jan 05, 2018 10:30AM ● By Kate Branum
It’s OK to not be OK. Digging yourself out of a life rut is daunting and never happens overnight, but with enough support in the right places, change is possible. Health for Life Grand Rapids strives to provide that necessary support to help your live your best life.
In addition to individual counseling and therapy services for individuals, families, couples and young children, Health for Life Grand Rapids provides an abundance of holistic health resources and Naturopathic medicines designed to improve mental health.
Throughout her years as a mental health expert, Dr. Nicole Cain, co-owner of Health for Life, has come to realize that many people who are suffering from depression or anxiety find that their medications alone aren’t enough. After years of research, she created Natural Mental Health supplements (NMH), which serves as a natural antidepressant companion.
These do-all supplements are designed to replace the nutrients and hormones in the body that are lost when taking antidepressant medications, supply all of the vitamins, minerals and amino acids required to balance neurotransmitters in the brain and alleviate symptoms produced by certain medications, such as insomnia, loss of memory and decreased libido.