Channel Your Inner Frida
Jul 23, 2018 01:00AM ● By WLMagazine
On July 6, we celebrate the birthday of Mexican artist
Frida Kahlo. A rebel, feminist and a revolutionary icon, her unique beauty and self-portraits are known all over the world. During her lifetime she, was an icon of fashion and the arts: She posed the cover of Vogue Paris magazine (among many others) and her paintings are showcased in Europe, Latin America and the United States. She was unapologetic when it came to showing her feminine side and constantly challenge society standards. Kahlo’s life was not short of suffering; she was diagnosed with polio at the age of six and endured many surgeries after a terrible bus accident. Her physical ailments confined her to her bed, where she painted as a way to express herself.
As an artist, Kahlo was a master of using color and always celebrated her Mexican heritage in her paintings. Her look has been a staple of beauty and fashion. Before fuller brows became a trend or anybody rocked them on the pages of magazines, there was a Frida.
This month, we are celebrating a woman who, despite the unfortunate things she lived through, saw the beauty through a different lens, and challenges us to do the same.

To channel your inner Frida, you’ll need a bold red lipstick. I used a matte true red lipstick as the base and applied in the center a matte coral red lipstick to intensify the lips and make them stand out.
For the skin, I use essential oils from Suu Kuu to give the skin a natural glow. Follow up with a liquid foundation and a natural blush using a little dab of the red lipstick on the cheekbones.
Although you can totally rock out Frida’s unibrow and become a modern version of her as many fashion models have done, you can also create an everyday full eyebrow by using a thin eyebrow pencil. This is my top favorite product to create natural hair strokes so your brows look fuller but natural at the same time.
And of course, my last tip of the day is not to be afraid. And just like Frida, be proud of the woman you are. Enhance what you have because once you realize the beautiful person you are, you can become a powerful, unique and strong woman just like Frida Kahlo.
Erick Gerson
Erick Gerson is a makeup artist from Mexico. He has won consecutive wedding makeup awards, appeared on TV shows and been published in magazines all over the world. He enjoys teaching makeup classes to other professional makeup artists and everyday women. To connect with him, visit or check out his Instagram @erickmakeup.