Kent District Library Announces "Summer Wonder"
May 29, 2020 09:46AM ● By Press Release
Kent County – Summer looks a little different this year and so does Kent District Library’s summer reading program, but it still contains all the learning, fun and prizes you love… with some bonus excitement! KDL is pleased to introduce Summer Wonder, an at-home, self-guided program for all ages that kicks off Monday, June 1 and extends through Saturday, August 8.
For the first time ever, KDL cardholders will receive a Summer Wonder workbook and a Kaleidoscope, KDL’s showcase quarterly magazine, delivered to them in the mail. The workbook features ten at-home projects for kids while the Kaleidoscope includes information, ideas and excitement for all ages. Kids will be introduced to Curi, the robot guide for Summer Wonder.
Summer Wonder is a STEAM-powered program that focuses on science, technology, engineering, art and math.
Since KDL branches are closed for now, Summer Wonder can be completed from your home. You can sign up at and use KDL’s new smart phone app, Beanstack. This app enables people to record their progress and register for prizes right from their phone, tablet or computer.
“The new reality of doing more at-home learning has created challenges in keeping our brains active while maintaining safe social connections,” said Kris Vogelar, Youth Specialist at the Grandville Branch. “KDL wants to meet you where you’re at with a specially designed summer program for all ages.”
Those who register for Summer Wonder can qualify for prizes by completing the 30-day challenge. In 2019, over 19,000 people completed KDL’s summer reading program.
Summer Wonder is a great opportunity to limit the “summer slide” that negatively affects learning between the end and start of the traditional school year. Extensive research shows that children involved in summertime reading programs sponsored by public libraries are more likely to maintain their academic skills, and in many cases do better on standardized tests.
The website,, is your one-stop-shop for all things related to Summer Wonder. You can download the workbook and access online programs and activities. The program line-up includes appearances by 1,2,3 Andrés, Magician Tom Plunkard, Outdoor Discovery Center and many more.
KDL would like to thank the many sponsors of Summer Wonder, including the Friends of the Cascade Library and the Friends of the East Grand Rapids Library, who gave the lead gifts.