Join In: Local Opportunities to Volunteer and Donate
Jul 06, 2020 05:24PM ● By Elyse Wild
Better Wiser Stronger
Better Wiser Stronger mentors young men to build a life platform of respect, confidence and strong relationships while reducing and removing barriers that have lessened their ability to have successful life outcomes. For more information on how to get involved to mentor or volunteer, or donate, visit
New City Neighbors
New City Neighbors seeks to empower youth to reach their full potential through a variety of programs including the New City Cafe, New City Farm and youth employment. For more information on how you can help them in their mission by donating or volunteer, visit
Mel Trotter Ministries
Mel Trotter Ministries is now accepting volunteers to assist in their programming that supports our city’s vulnerable homeless and transient population. Programming includes job readiness, addition recovery, housing readiness and aftercare. Volunteers are required to undergo COVID-19 training. visit
Literacy Center of West Michigan
The Literally Center of West Michigan provides 1-on-1 support for adults in our community who face barriers due to low literacy. Volunteer tutors are only required to read and write English. While tutors and learners meet 1-on-1 (virtually), the Literacy Center provides robust support for both parties to order to make for a successful outcome. Volunteer orientations are currently taking place online. Visit
Heart of United Way West Michigan
Heart of United Way West Michigan unite community resources to invest in solutions that reduce poverty in West Michigan. With the reduction of shelter in place order, they have listings for organizations that are accepting in person volunteers, as well as remote volunteer opportunities. From assisting with grant writing to distributing food boxes, there are opportunities for everyone to continue to support our community as COVID-19 continues. Visit for more information.