Skin Deep
Mar 13, 2018 01:16PM ● By WLMagazine
There is light at the end of the winter tunnel; just around the corner, the sun will be shining and birds will be chirping. Springtime often reflects a re-birth, as creatures come out of hibernation to embrace the newness of the season.
Spring also brings about lighter clothing and makeup, which can lead to feelings of self-consciousness. Over the winter months, it’s easier to cover up some of the less-than-desirable skin conditions. Skin conditions aren’t as rare as some may think and often require professional attention to be resolved.
This is an inflammatory disorder of the sebaceous glands, which handles the oil production in our skin. When there is inflammation of the glands, oil is retained in cells and creates excess bacteria. Acne can often be treated with a healthy diet, regular exercise (which increases secretion) and a good skincare routine. If you’re feeling less-than-confident about acne as the season changes, seek professional help. It can also be helpful to change your makeup routine to cover problem areas until it’s treated. Estheticians are trained in addressing and treating this complex skin condition; if it’s chronic in nature, it’s sometimes best to see a doctor.
This is another inflammatory disorder that can be found in three main categories: Atopic Dermatitis, Contact Dermatitis and Perioral Dermatitis. All three of these types include lesions on the skin that can range from redness, itching and rashes to more serious reactions such as dry, cracking skin. The best way to treat dermatitis is to stay away from strong fragrances or preservatives. Use as natural of products as possible. Another trick is to stay hydrated, which allows the body to heal itself faster both internally and externally. Internal hydration includes drinking lots of water, and external hydration includes the use of humidifiers and hydrating moisturizers. If it continues to bother you, it’s best to see a doctor to treat the exact type of dermatitis.
Rosacea is inflammation of the skin, characterized by redness, dilation of blood vessels and bumps on the skin. It’s most common across the cheeks and nose. The cause is unknown and is usually heredity. There are some aggravators for rosacea, which include alcohol, spicy foods, heat and stress. The best treatment for this condition is calming and gentle products; seek any skincare or cosmetic that is targeted for sensitive skin. It is best to get regular facials and other treatments for sensitive skin, which will help soothe inflammation or flare ups.
While spring is often a time of joy, it can bring out insecurities if you’re suffering from any of these conditions. But don’t let that stop you! Seek a professional opinion. Let this season be your re-birth, and tackle these issues so you can enjoy life to the fullest.
Ashley is a marketing professional and worked as a makeup artist in NYC and GR. She started a cosmetics line which celebrates the idea that all women start as a Blank Canvas. Visit BC Cosmetics on Facebook.