Funny Girls Guide to Funny Flicks
Mar 13, 2019 10:00AM ● By WLMagazine
Funny Girls is a collective of comedians who have all shared the female experience. With fifteen active members, it can be hard to agree on much more than smashing the patriarchy, but we did it with this list. Here are the Funny Girls top ten comedy movie must sees (in loosely specific order).
[one_half]10. The Heat: Any time you strap Sandy Bullock with a gun, we’re in. Throwing the ever-hilarious Melissa McCarthy in the buddy-cop mix (and a New Kid on the Block as a supporting character) makes this movie a winner.8.Little Shop of Horrors: A lot of us are nerds in almost every way. So a flick about a dork with flowers trying to find love is right up our alley. Plus, watching a giant, man-eating plant do its work is never not funny. This movie has given us the gift of laughter and the gift of “Suddenly Seymour” as a karaoke option.
6. Girls’ Trip: Girls’ Trip is exactly what it sounds like. A story of friendship, fiasco and fun in one of the most filmable cities in the US: New Orleans. And, it contains what one Funny Girl believes to be the single greatest piece of physical comedy: Tiffany Haddish demonstrating “grapefruiting.”
4. Heathers: Heathers is as dark as comedies come. But the sociopathical commentary on high school cliques is something to which we can all relate. Winona Ryder is a revelation next to the crazy-eyed Christian Slater, and together they made the 80s immortal.
2. Mean Girls: Written first by Rosalind Wiseman and adapted for film by our collective mother, Tina Fey, Mean Girls is the most quotable movie there is. It also gives a voice and a story to what would otherwise be vapid, one-dimensional characters. We laugh because we all see ourselves in that burn book.
9. Clue: Clue turns the classic murder mystery formula into a parade of witty one-liners, incredible character performances by Tim Curry and Madeline Kahn, and to top it off, it has multiple hilarious endings. It’s a true vintage treasure.
7. My Big Fat Greek Wedding: Never have so many of us felt so seen about our body hair woes. This crowded romp, written by Nia Vardalos, takes us on a journey of awkward love, embarrassing families and ultimately to self-acceptance. But like, in a funny way.
5. Anchorman: With Will Ferrell and Steve Carell, the laughs per minute are on point. Sure, the jokes are dumb, but we all deserve a brain break once in a while. Christina Applegate notches up the feminism in this boy-heavy film by fiercely climbing the news ranks and, uh, “domesticating” the great Ron Burgundy.
3. Clueless: The 90s were the formative years for most Funny Girls, so this seminal film was a must. Casting aside the odd “step-brother love,” Clueless is an iconic teen comedy. If you don’t laugh along with Cher, Dion, Thai and their misfires and misunderstandings, you’re probably “a virgin who can’t drive.”
1. Bridesmaids: A movie about a wedding that doesn’t make a joke about the “unenthusiastic groom” is a breath of fresh air. It’s a wedding movie, but underneath it’s about powerful female friendships and women who are not afraid to be ugly. The spectrum of femininity is widely represented and none are greater than the others. Except Carol, who needs to get her life together.